Thursday, October 2, 2008

The comfort of a person is mainly dependent upon the following factors:

An evaporative cooler decreases temperature and increases air flow but increases humidity. The effect of the temperature reduction far outweigh the increase in humidity. Any additional air flow further improves the comfort level.

It can be seen from the diagram below how the apparent conditions of the air changes by passing through an evaporative cooler. If the air in a building is at 35°C and 35% relative humidity the conditions are quite extreme. However if we introduce evaporative cooling the air leaving the cooler would be 24 °C and 91% humidity. This means that the comfort level moves clearly into the more comfortable zone.

This can be graphically represented as shown below.

The evaporative cooler changes the hot conditions typically found in MALAYSIA buildings and changes it from an ‘Extreme Caution’ level to a ‘Caution’ situation.

The above is based on a study performed by J G Steadman

1 comment:

Lordfintube said...

Nice post!
We supply fin tubes. we wonder whether you will have finned tube request during your project?

Revac Exhibition 2008 in KLCC

Revac Exhibition 2008 in KLCC
Me and my team @ Revac Exhibition 2008