Thursday, October 2, 2008

The comfort of a person is mainly dependent upon the following factors:

An evaporative cooler decreases temperature and increases air flow but increases humidity. The effect of the temperature reduction far outweigh the increase in humidity. Any additional air flow further improves the comfort level.

It can be seen from the diagram below how the apparent conditions of the air changes by passing through an evaporative cooler. If the air in a building is at 35°C and 35% relative humidity the conditions are quite extreme. However if we introduce evaporative cooling the air leaving the cooler would be 24 °C and 91% humidity. This means that the comfort level moves clearly into the more comfortable zone.

This can be graphically represented as shown below.

The evaporative cooler changes the hot conditions typically found in MALAYSIA buildings and changes it from an ‘Extreme Caution’ level to a ‘Caution’ situation.

The above is based on a study performed by J G Steadman

Frequently Asked Questions about Evaporative Cooling

1.Can you catch Legionnaires’ disease from an AOLAN Evaporative Cooler ?
No, because the circulating water is less than 20° C and no droplets are formed.

2.Has anyone ever caught Legionnaire's Disease from an evaporative cooler ?
There have never been any cases of Legionnaire's disease attributed to a wetted media evaporative cooler. It is believed there are over 30 million installations world wide.

3.How much will it reduce the temperature ?
This is dependent upon the ambient conditions but, in hot weather in the MALAYSIA, there is typically an 4 to 6° drop in the temperature of the air through the cooler.

4.How much water and electricity does an evaporative cooler use ?
A cooler will use an average of 15L per hour over a 24 hour period during hot weather and 1.1KW of electricity.

5.How much does it cost to run?
A single unit costs about RM0.449 per hour using 2008 MALAYSIA industry utility costs.

6.How much maintenance is required ?
It is recommended that the unit is cleaned every 6 months and the pads replaced as necessary.

7.How long do the pads last?
In exceptional conditions they can last up to 5 years. In practical applications in industry we recommend an annual pad change to maintain hygiene and efficiency.

8.How much do pads cost ?A set of four pads costs RM1000.

9.Do the pads clean the air ?
Yes, the pad will filter out larger particles such as dust or pollen.

10.What is in the warranty?
One years supply only provided unit is serviced by AOLAN approved engineers.

Reducing enegry by using Evaporative cooling compare with Air-conditioning

Many modern buildings require cooling either for the comfort of the occupants or to protect the processes or equipment they contain. There are three typical methods which can be employed to cool these buildings; ventilation, evaporative cooling or a refrigeration based air conditioning system. The choice of system can have a dramatic effect on the total carbon emissions of the building due to their different electrical demands. See our Air Conditioning comparison to compare the features of Air Conditioning with Evaporative Cooling.

Ventilation systems can provide comfort cooling for most of the year. During prolonged periods of high temperatures they are unable to maintain internal temperatures below 30°C. Air-conditioning are effective but can be expensive to operate. Evaporative cooling, which can produce air consistently below 30°C in the Malaysia, provides an intermediate solution which consumes only a fraction of the electricity.

An evaporative cooling installation typically consumes less than 15% of the electricity compared to the equivalent rated refrigeration based cooling system. The example shows how this electricity saving can result in 1.5 tonnes of carbon savings for a 30KW cooling requirement.

These savings are sufficient for most AOLAN cooler installations in Small to Medium Enterprises (SME’s) to qualify for an interest-free Carbon Trust Loan.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How does Evaporative air cooler works?

Evaporative air cooler cool air by drawing outdoor air through water saturated filter pads and blowing the air via the fan into ductwork installed to evenly distribute the cooled air into the building.
Evaporative Air Cooler has been designed to give maximum amount of cooling form the evaporation of water.

- As warm air passes over wet filter pads water naturally evaporates into the air. The air is cooled as it gives up the heat required to evaporate the water.

The Air Cooler should not be used in enclosed space, it must be kept level and there must be water in the tank .The room should have open doors and windows to allow the air to circulate, staring at the window from which fresh air flows the Air Cooler, which in turn circulates the air ,which then leaves via the door. The Air Cooler will lower the room temperature, but the maximum cooling effect is felt when a person is in the flow of air coming from the Air Cooler .For this reason,the Evaporative Air Cooler is ideal for those rooms or spaces where people congregate.

① Relative dry and hot areas
Most of the areas which need to lower temperature and to increase ventilation can use our products, such as mall, supermarket, office, hotel, hospital, station, gymnasium, exhibition, restaurant, dancing room, hall, meeting room, school, factory and villa etc.

② Relative humid areas
Aolan evaporative air cooler is also suitable for the high temperature or peculiar smelly industrial factories, such as textile workshop, garments workshop, printing and dyeing mill, tannery, shoes mill, steel workshop, electronic manufacture and chemical plant. You can use our cooler for full cooling or spot cooling. Our cooler is also suitable for the fuggy areas such as game or disco parlour, kitchens or laundries of hotel, you can use the cooler to cool and ventilate.

Revac Exhibition 2008 in KLCC

Revac Exhibition 2008 in KLCC
Me and my team @ Revac Exhibition 2008